Food is life and food is history. Without food there would be no history of man. The food we eat today is the result of our evolution.

Prehistoric man lived on vegetables, hunting and fishing and he used to eat raw food. Later he began to cook food to make it more digestible.

The everyday struggle to find food has marked the destiny of mankind, causing wars, expansion and disappearance of peoples.

The type of food man eats depends on his environment. In cold countries people use fatty food because they need energy. In hot countries people use a lot of spices because they need to drink often.

Food is very important in many aspects of life like religion and medicine.

Today we are more and more conscious that our health depends on what food we eat, so we pay great attention to the quality and the quantity of the food we eat.




Food and health are most important for everybody’ s life.

The food we eat is vital to life

1)              eating is a pleasurable experience

2)              food provides the essential nutrients


The food industry spends millions of pounds in promoting its products,  often with little regard to the health of consumers.


Food, physical activity and diseases are strictly related.

Diseases such as cancer,diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, strokes, osteoporosis are increasing in the western countries.

In the last twenty years there is a prevalence of obesity and overweight among Europeans and Americans.


healthy lifestyle is defined not only by the food we eat but also by regular physical activity.


good diet and regular physical activity can reduce the risks of diseases such as: cancer,diabetes,hypertension,strokes,etc


healthy lifestyle is defined not only by the food we eat but also by  regular physical activity.

Other relevant factors for a healthy life are:


-    eating with friends and family

-    enjoying traditional food from other countries


1) Is diet the only key to fitness?

No it isn’t. To be fit ,a balance diet is important but you must also practise sport and physical activity


2)What other elements are important to stay healthy?

To be healthy it is important to  follow a balanced diet, practise sport and have a good social life.


3)Why are so many people overweight especially in the western countries?

This is due to a sedentary life and a wrond diet


4) Which diseases are linked to a wrong and sedentary life?


The most serius diseases connected to our way of eating are: cancer,diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, strokes, osteoporosis







Haccp means hazard analysis of critical control points. It is an european law to prevent contamination in the food and beverage industry. To ensure food safety because hygiene is very important.
Food can be contaminated with germs an bacteria and it can be harmful to the customer's health.

Bacteria can be transmitted by

- dirt(such as dirty glasses or dishes)

-small animals (such as mice,cockroaches, flies,pigeons,and so on)

-burns or cuts

For example you can contaminate food if you don't wash your hands properly, or if you sneeze over food of if you cut different food with the same knife .




Hygiene is very important in the food and beverage industry. Restaurant pub and bar owners commit and office if they serve food whitch is harmful to the customers' health. To ensure food safety and to prevent food hazard Europe has established a set of general rules which is called HACCP.


It has 7 principles which are:

1)Analyse chimical, biological, and physical.

2)Identify critical critical points ( from the row stage of food, to its storing, processing, delivery and customers' consumption).

3)Establishing procedures in order to prevent, monitorate, connect and record information .  




HACCP is a food safety system that prevents the safety of food from being compromised.

It was originally developed in the 1960’s by NASA and a group of food safety specialists.

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.

Food companies are obliged to draw up an HACCP plan in accordance with the European Hygiene Regulation. This plan should be based on7 basic principles:

§  Hazard Analysis

§  Critical Control Points

§  Critical Limits

§  Critical Control Monitoring

§  Corrective Action

§  Procedures

§  Record Keeping

HACCP can be applied to all processes throughout each stage of the food supply chain. This includes production, preparation, packaging and distribution.

As a food safety initiative, HACCP is a preventative system. It focuses on potential physical, chemical and biological hazards that could occur during the food manufacturing process and make the end product unsafe. A fundamental aim of the HACCP principles is to discover any potential hazards so that control measures can be designed. If necessary, these control measures would be put in place and reduce the risk of the hazards occurring.

1.    Hazard Analysis (Hazard = a danger or risk, something, a condition or a contaminant, that is dangerous and likely to cause damage)

A hazard that may be present in a product and can subsequently pose a threat to the health of the consumer

Hazard analysis is the initial process of identifying potential hazards that could occur at any stage of the food supply chain. Once the hazards have been identified, controls to prevent, eliminate or manage them must then be designed and applied.

A food safety hazard which needs to be identified and controlled is anything that causes food to become harmful or unsafe for human consumption. They are categorized as:

-       Physical: foreign objects in food that can cause harm when eaten, such asglass, packaging, jewellery, pest droppings, screws;

-       Chemical: water, food contact materials, cleaning agents, pest control substances, pesticides, biocides and food additives;

-       Biological: harmful bacteria(e.g., salmonella), viruses ((e.g., hepatitis A), parasites (e.g. trichinella) or PRIONS. Prions are infectious agents made of protein.

They cause diseases that may affect both animals and humans (e.g. BSE = BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY            CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE in humans when consuming cattle infected by BSE;

-       Allergenic(milk, eggs, nuts, wheat, fish, shellfish, etc)

The hazard identification isdone in two steps, first the identification of hazards, then an evaluation of the hazard. The hazardevaluationis a determination of the degree of risk to the user from the identified hazard.

2.    Critical Control Points

CCP stands for Critical Control Points:

Once the hazard is identified and evaluated, the team must identify critical control points. These are points where the hazard must be controlled and the risk can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level

A CCP can also monitor an individual parameter. For example, ensuring that all potential allergens are labelled on a food or that the garbage bins are cleaned and sanitised weekly.

3.    Critical Limits

Critical limits are the minimum and maximum limits of each separate CCP. These limits are set so that each hazard is managed safely in order to eliminate, prevent or manage food safety risks.

A critical limit marks the acceptability or unacceptability level of a CCP.

If this limit is ever exceeded corrective action must be taken, and all affected product controlled.

Your next step is to establish criteria for each critical control point. What criteria must be met to control the hazard at that point? Is it a minimum temperature?

For example, if it was critical to keep high-risk food out of the danger zone (between 5°C and 60°C), it would be acceptable to refrigerate meat at a temperature of 4 °C but unacceptable to refrigerate it at 8 °C.

4.    Critical Control Monitoring

The monitoring of each CCP is essential to make sure that hazards don’t go beyond the critical limits set.

The monitoring that takes place at the critical control points is essential to the effectiveness of the HACCP program. The monitoring program will be made up of physical measurement or observations that can be done in a timely manner, to provide the information in a time frame that allows you to take action and control product if an out of control situation occurs.

The ways that CCPs are monitored will vary, however, some examples might be:

§  Using a probe thermometer daily to check the temperature of a fridge or freezer.

§  Scheduling regular pest inspections to maintain bait traps.

§  Having staff record certain cleaning procedures in the Food Safety Program.


5.    Corrective Action

The corrective actions may be need to be applied to the product and/or process

Corrective action must be taken if a hazard exceeds its critical limits. Rules must be established that outline the corrective steps that must be taken if a hazard does exceed its limits.

These actions are put in place to ensure that no harm comes as a result of the hazard exceeding its critical limit.

An example of this is the ‘2 - 4 Hour Rule’. According to the rule, any food which remains in the danger zone for more than 4 hours must be discarded. In this instance, discarding the food is considered corrective action.

The action or actions taken have two control any nonconforming product resulting from the loss of identify the cause, eliminate it and prevent the situation from reoccurring. By identifying the corrective action before an out of control situation occurs, you are prepared to take action quickly if and when it does occur.

6.    Procedures

Procedures are to be put in place to ensure that all businesses throughout the entire food supply-chain are successfully producing a product that’s safe for humans to eat. The HACCP principles were designed so that they could be applied to each individual business throughout the food manufacturing process. It’s the responsibility of the business to ensure that they have adapted and applied the HACCP principles to each necessary aspect of their business.

Verification is a periodic check to determine whether the HACCP approach is effective or for checking whether control of a CCP is effective. Verification therefore shows whether the method of working leads to sufficient levels of safety.

7.    Record Keeping

The HACCP principles state that comprehensive, up-to-date records must be kept. Depending on your business, often these records are kept together in a live-document called the Food Safety Plan. Some examples of records that your business might need to keep could be:

§  temperature charts and logs

§  storage logs

§  cleaning schedules

§  employee qualifications

§  pest control logs


Depending on a business’s relevant legislation, a business might be required to present these records to their governing food authority for inspection.






Some people carry (have) staphylococcus bacteria in their nose and mouth.

Each time they sneeze or touch their nose or mouth, bacteria are transferred to food, drinks, glasses. 

•Hygiene in food and beverage is extremely important.
•Restaurant environments (ambienti) can be contaminated with germs.
•Bacteria on raw food are usually killed during cooking, but germs are trasmitted from raw to cooked food, for example using a knife to cut raw meat, then slicing (affettate) bread with the same knife. 
•Bacteria live in dust and dirt, but flies,ants,spiders,cockroaches (scarafaggi) ,mice (topi) rats and pigeons are all vehicles which transport them (bacteria) to food and drinks.
-sneezing over food and drinks, touching food without washing hands are all means to transmit bacteria .
•Glasses and dishes sometimes are not washed properly.
•Detergents can be mistaken  (scambiati ) for food 
•Sometimes you may have cuts  (tagli) and burns (bruciature) 
•Sometimes infections can contaminate public environments  (ambienti pubblici).




Raw food: cibo crudo.

Cooked food:cibo cotto


mouse: topo/ mice: topi

flies: mosche

knife: coltello

knives: coltelli


To Sneeze: starnutire

Are killed:vengono uccisi (forma passiva)

Are transmitted: vengono trasmessi (forma passiva)

Are trasferred: vengono trasferiti (forma passiva)

Can be contaminated: possono essere contaminate (forma passiva)

To slice: affettare

Can be mistaken: possono essere scambiati




HACCP and Safety Procedures (sicurezza sanitaria)


HACCP and Safety Procedures (sicurezza sanitaria)
Customer health safety is very important, as well as hygiene in the Food and Beverage Industry must be treated with great attention. Pub and bar owners, commit an offence (=reato) if they serve food or drink that is harmful (=pericoloso) to the customers'  health. An international set of general rules has been established, it is the HACCP (pronuncia: ha-sip):
H= hazard
A= analysis
C= critical
C= control
P= points
It is a (preventive) system used in food Industry to ensure food safety.
It is a set of rules which aim at identifying potential hazards associated with food.
Critical Control Point means a pointstep in which control is essential to prevent, reduce or eliminate food hazards.


Answer the following questions:
1) What do some people have in their nose and mouth?
Cos'hanno alcune persone nel loro naso e nella bocca?
2) How restaurant enviroments can be contaminated?
Gli ambienti del ristorante come possono essere contaminati?
3) How can bacteria be transmitted from raw to cooked food?
Come vengono trasmessi i batteri dal cibo crudo al cibo cotto?
4) Where do bacteria live and which animals can transmit them?
Dove vivono i batteri e quali animali possono trasmetterli?
5) What must be properly washed in the kitchen?
Che cosa deve essere lavato in modo appropriato in cucina?



  1) They have staphylococcus bacteria.
2) They can be contaminated with germs.
3)Bacteria can be trasmetted from raw to cooked food, for example using a knife to cut raw meat and then slicing bread with the same knife.
4)Bacteria live in dust and dirt and on animals such as mice,flies,pigeons,beetles,ants.
5)In the kitchen Ggasses and dishes must be washed.