‘Halal’ tourism is a fast growing market segment and it represents a real challenge for the Global Tourism Industry. There is potential for a boom in halal tourism, especially in the Middle East. By 2022, it is expected to account for 14% of global travel industry.

The so called Millennial Muslims  are  young Muslims who have plenty of money and they are no longer interested in travelling to their home country or going to Mecca or to other religious pilgrimage, They are more interested in travelling to discover the world and to be able to enjoy a halal-frendly atmosphere.  

Muslim tourists are seeking destinations which meet their needs, in terms of diet, dress and rituals. They are active on social media, locating new halal hot dining spots and sharing their adventures on platforms like Instagram.

The Muslim-friendly hotels serve exclusively halal food, they serve no alcohol, they  have  gender segregated spa, gyms, pools and beach areas. They do not allow loud parties,  late-night events or casinos and they have designated assigned family rooms and prayer rooms.

Halal tourism offers daily itineraries with built-in break times for the five daily calls to prayer.

Leading countries providing services for halal tourists include Malaysia, the UAE, Turkey, and Indonesia, but also Japan, South Korea and Norway.